Friday, 22 March 2013


For those who think I'm super motivated, read on.....

So onto the all important question of motivation.. nope I'm not talking about the motivation to cycle across America ( chance to see some great sites.. check... raise some money (hopefully) for a good cause ... check... Peace and quiet of solo cycling... check) , I'm talking about motivation to get on my bike in wind, rain and snow and pedel for 4-5 hours on roads I have been up and down so many times I've lost count with no real aim but to complete a specific mileage and get home.

It's been lacking in the last month or so and I'm trying to work out why when clearly it's going to make my life in October that much easier.  I've used all the excuses under the sun... It's wet (yes but it might be wet in Chicago), i'm tired (ditto reply) i haven't got enough time (I could be on my bike instead of writing about it on this blog) and none of them seem good enough.

I'm keeping up my fitness by going climbing regularly - only slightly warmer mind you- and have just got back from walking in the Brecons but i need time in the saddle to recreate the feeling miles on my legs in preparation.

So any suggestions would be welcome ....

My plan is to wait for a day where the rain is at least not threatening to batter me off my bike and just go, hopefully if I keep doing this it will become more of a habit and as time presses on and the day to depart comes closer maybe fear of failing will be the motivational factor that I need... until then I will keep plodding motivationless onwards until one day (hopefully soon) I will start to enjoy it again and the thought of sitting on my saddle will be one i look forward to!

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